Sunday, July 22, 2012

Field of Gold - Big Meadows, Shenandoah National Park

Hey Everyone! 
Last weekend I went camping with two of my really good friends. I had inherited the year pass from another friend that was leaving the country for Shenandoah National Park in Virginia along the Blue ridge Mountains. I figure why not get two friends and make it a weekend in the mountains! 
I have posted about Shenandoah National Park before since I love going up there. From Richmond along Interstate 64 it is about 1.5 hour drive give or take to the southern entrance of the park. For entrance for a private car though it is like $15 and its good for yourself and 3 others in the vehicle with you and its good for the week or just get the year pass for $30-35 I think and its good for a year!
Anyways this is one of many posts that will be popping up because my friend and I were taking loads of pictures with our Rebel's haha
We stayed at the Big Meadows camp ground along Skyline Drive in the park. This is actually the most expensive campground up there per night because all the others are $15 and this one is $20 for the night. Also, we didn't know this but bring quarters with you because the showers take quarters and it is $1 per 5 minutes in. We were cheap and pasted on it and got fire wood instead!
Well on with taking pictures of the actual meadows!
Also check out the other photos from my trip with Dark Hollow Falls and the Storms in the valley

Our weekend had some rain and clouds through out. When we took our walk in the meadows and shroud of mist and fog started to engulf the area...


The alone birch tree in the field of green...


The most lush looking grass in the meadow


Some wild plants grow throughout the meadows, some smell great and some don't haha

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These burrs right here are wild but evasive in the mountains and area. The look nice but because of the mild winter these seam to have a widespread impact this year. This plant is what also gave the idea to George de Mestral to create Velcro!

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Since we were in the mountains the cloud rolled right over on top of us as we were taking photographs. 


There were also other people out enjoying this eerie feeling of the cloud falling on us


Lots of deer were out eating and playing around and we followed them for a long time...


Cloud started to lift a little more for better sight...

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The sun behind the clouds created great portraits in the sky for me to enjoy


This cloud was more of a storm head and it started to storm when it got closer at this time.

Some info came from Wikipedia on Velcro

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