Hey everyone!
So I have tried to do make a video post (multiple times) but the video never saved correctly to the cars in the camera. Weird. So I hope I will be able to do a video post one day for you guys!
So any who I haven't posted a update in a while since I have been getting a few things together and such these last two weeks. Today was the first day of my last semester of College. Exciting times! Graduation is in May and it sounds so nice to be able to finish and concentrate on a career and more of my interest and not home work haha.
So I wanted to go over what happened over my break and things that I wanted to do and that actually happened and things that are about to happen! Was that a run on sentence? Probably.
So my list that I made on the blog I think on December 10th was that;
1) post photo of my Christmas tree and I did in the
Merry Christmas post!
2) Go to the illumination down town by the James Centers. I did with my girl friend and my family on Christmas night and I shared some photos in the
Grand Illumination post here.
3) More Christmas lights in the city. I didn't really see anymore lights around the city/area other then the ones noted above. I didn't even go into the Jefferson Hotel to admire the huge tree that they have.
4) Go to Carry town, this really didn't happen either. My girlfriend doesn't have school till the 30th so I might be able to during her break haha
5) Maymont! I said that I would go to Maymont during break! I went on the 15th but posted the photos in January,
click here.
6) Go to Capital building, this didn't happen but I passed it when I was downtown for the lights haha
7) Snow. I can't help this one but I really wished that there was some snow fall and there wasn't any. At all.
8) do more updates and photos and I think I did, just slacked the past two weeks I guess, my b!
9) Find another job. this didn't happen but I don't mind it really. I have an internship with work and I want to focus on school being that it is the last semester. I also want to get more involved with photography on the weekends and such and blogging. Also school activities like clubs!
10) this on the list was do what ever, and I guess I did do this haha
So things that I did do over break was go the Christmas town on December 30th in Bush Gardens in Williamsburg. this was awesome and if you get a discount it is worth the $20 a person. they also have a few rides open and such! Read about it in this
post here.
Last week I went to Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens for the Fest of Lights with my girlfriend and we had a really good time together. Not as many lights as I use to remember but it was still nice. I hope to make that post soon since I edited the photos that other day.
So that is a sum up of what happened over break. Nothing to crazy really.
I finally ordered a camera the other day and that should be coming in soon...I hope. I will do a video on that if I can help it.
I finally got my tickets for my flight to Japan for May-June. Really excited about that and I hope to update my Japan Plans page more accurate of things that I have planed to do.
Well that is all I have for now!