I have not done many posts on my cats at all! Whats up with me.
So this is my cat that I brought home last year on Father's Day. Her name is Midna and she is now about 20 months old now. She is still pretty small but that might change. She eats quite a bit of everything that you might try to feed her. I just had her eat corn and peas the other day and she loves any kind of meat. She is the type of cat that gets up in your business sometimes and thinks that she is the best hunting cat in the world. She really isn't.

She does love seeing people and smells them. She loves climbing things as she ends up on our roof often. It is a high roof >_>

I got her from a family friend that had a litter of cats. She was pretty much the odd one. Her mother was a calico and some of her brothers an sisters turned out that way. She came out black and white with a white spot on her back. They called her spot till I brought her home. They kept one of them themselves, which was orange and white and had no tail.

I'll let her go back to sleep now...

Sophie is a loaner. She doesn't interact with the company unless she is STARVING. She has an attitude and opposite of Midna. She is a little over 4.5 years old now and is 10 pounds. She is either sleeping inside or somewhere outside not in sight.

She has the look that if you mess with her she will beat the crap out of you. So I'll let her sit there...

Her she is on my bed. Giving me the look, "why the heck you come in here and wake me up?" look

Hehehe...I surprised her

Sophie is the family kittie as Midna is mine. They both are great to hold...sometimes.
Also Sophie only likes plain cooked Chicken for a meat. Wont eat any other meat..... severely different than Midna.
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