My driveway of course. Get's covered every fall of the leaves. It is a gravel drive way and is a pain when it rains hard because it washes out and that means I have to rake the gravel back on to fill the ruts. I don't complain. A long gravel road to sacrifice to live off the main neighborhood road in the woods for more privacy :)
I really like the colors of the leaves this time of the year. Definitely up in the mountains because that looks great.
I like the mix of the red, brown, mustard looking orange and the light purples. Got maple leaves, beech tree leaves, probably some white or red oak and hickory leaves mixed in there down by the creek.
Small plants pop out of the leaves on the ground. I expect this during the spring but odd in the fall. Usually everything green turns brown. Anyways the camera took really nice close up photos in the lighting and came out really well.
I am not sure what plant this is. It actually runs like a vine sort of all around the forest floor.
Princess Pine or Running Ceder runs all over the woods in patches. These stay green year around and mother loves to use them to make wreaths for christmas
Beech tree's are a yellow right now. They look really nice and the Maples are red by the way. Our Hickory trees are yellow as well so these three have great colors to add to the forest :)
I'm pretty sure this is a sweet gum. They are the ones that have the gum balls that ball out of trees that are spiky. Not Chestnuts though. This is a small tree though, maybe a foot tall.
Lovely maple colors
I liked this photo so I made it larger for you guys. This stump has been here for a long time, as long as I have been going down there. Like the colors all around it. It is a nice low spot in the woods in an area where you usually walk up on deer eating.
Since it has been wet and damp recently there was a lot of mushrooms popping up in random spots in the woods. I took many pictures of different ones but I don't know the names for them, sorry.

This one was interesting since it had a weird cut in the top of it. Kind of unique
Last shot is Sophie over at the neighbor's house smiting me.... I was surprised that this photo came out well since I was at a distance away from her and the house. :)
Well hope you enjoyed the photo tour of the woods. I hope to get better photos for everyone in different seasons and of new things! This album is on the photo page to viewing as well!
Samshio ©
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