Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Metroid: Other M interviews

Good morning to everyone, how did everyone sleep? I did soundly after I watched Everybody loves Raymond. Watch an episode if you haven't.
On to news, I found a 16 minute interview from the creators of the newer Metroid game coming out; Metroid: Other M. It is headed my Team Ninja, who has done Ninja Gaiden. It will be a mix of 2D and 3D game play so kinda a mix of the original Metroid and with Metroid Prime. It looks really good and has been delayed already. It comes out August 31st which stinks because I will have already started school and I have a very busy schedule with work, school, and school work. Well here is the link to the article and I also have the video's posted if you just want to watch it from my blog site. It is over at the Online Video's page. I thought about putting a video game page up but nothing much exciting other then E3 has happened, the industry is kinda slow this year. The Gundam traitor is still on the video page for those who haven't seen it.
Also I updated the link to the Thor pictures on the movie page, and also added at the bottom of the Movie page that Bruce Greenwood says that the second Star Trek film will start filming this January. Added link to the article and also I have yet to really sit down and watch the first movie. I wasn't paying attention to it the one time and saw parts of it.
Speaking of movies, what does everyone think of Inception? I am going to go see it at 6:25 tonight and I am rather thrilled about it.
I leave Thursday for the Outer Banks so I may or may not be able to post other then from phone so the post will be short. I wont have a computer with me because I don't think I will have Wifi. Regardless, I will have a vacation and I will try to take some pictures of the Outer Banks to post. Once again, I yet have a new camera so I may not get nice shots with the old one, but I will try!
I am trying to find things that interest me and to talk about in the news but not much is happening at all that is why it is so short recently.
Well as for local news of Richmond, the mayor is planning on building a new city jail on top of the old city jail on South Side, estimated cost will be around $138 million, and awaits city council's approval. Link here.
Also I have been seeing much articles and post on various pages about Richmond needing a high speed rail train going through for transportation. One especially would help going from Richmond to D.C. and maybe Richmond to Norfolk. It's true we could use one and it could cut back on the traffic going and coming from D.C. for those who have to commute there. Our train speeds are way slow when you compare to Europe and Japan. Japan has the fast train and it goes like 200mph which covers tons of area. I could reach my grandmothers house in Maryland in an hour rather then the 3 an a half hours if you think about it. Problem is we don't get much money ($75 million, yeah it is still a lot) from the Federal government for rail needs in Virginia and just between Richmond and D.C. we need $1.8 billion to construct it. For the states entire rail system would be $5.3 billion. It just can't happen and D.C to Richmond should be the priority. The link to the article is here if you want to check it out and look it up on the net I am sure there are forums about i and speak your opinion.
That is all I got peeps, I'll check ya later.

Samshio ©

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