Tuesday, June 15, 2010

GoldenEye Remake for Wii and DS Leaked by Activision

GoldenEye Remake for Wii and DS Leaked by Activision

This piece of news made me smile with my heart :) Nintendo is bring back that classic from the Nintendo64: Golden Eye. Remember the good old days where you used that controller and you shot down people in multilayer. This was like my 2nd or 3rd favorite game from my N64 system. I would play it more but not many people can keep up with me, plus I hardly have any working N64 controllers anymore because I played so hardcore with them. Now whether or not I will get this game for the Wii is up to if the controls are fun, the multilayer mode is awesome and so is the online play. the online play is up to 8 players which is awesome, and if there is more options for the online play that could be freaking sweet. also, the new bond will be filling in instead of Pierce Brosnan, which I could care less about lol. the fact that it took literally all this time to get a remake is wow lol.

Today, Nintendo is having its conference at 9am or about 12pm Eastern standard time I think which is in a few. I am really excited to hear new information about some great games coming to Nintendo, especially Zelda. That is a high on my list right now that I am focused on. E3 all week, I believe and XBox released pics of the new XBOX 360 slim and also they started to ship it out today!

I also i finally after god knows how long got my Wii to connect to my wireless network and I have been playing some crazy MarioKart Wii. I had not updated my Wii for probably 20 months, so I was behind!

I just got back home from being in Maryland since Thursday with my girl Friend. We had gone to the Baltimore Aquarium and got to my grandparents that night. I didn't realize that the Oriels had a home game that night against the Yankees, in which they actually won 4 to 3, so the traffic was a pain to get out of. My vacation was nice and relaxing except for the sleeping on the couch the whole time but I lived. I enjoyed waking up my girl friend in the morning haha, don't really get to do that. Also, having breakfast fixed for you every morning was great. I usually these days throw some cereal into a cup and pour milk in and go to work. We went to Longwood gardens on Friday and if you have not been there it is a great gardens in Pennsylvania. It is off route 1 and there is a lot to see there. I might post some pictures on here of some of the bonsai they had in their conservatory. I also, added like a lot of seeds from trees to my collection so I will need to dry them out and maybe plant them some time later in the summer or closer to fall, and I also brought home a lot of Japanese Maples from my grandmothers yard that were planting everywhere. These will be nice to use for bonsai, if I can handle it. Some of the seeds, actually most of them, from the bag I bought of the Ficus back in the spring have all died. Don't know what happened but I will have better luck next time right? Also The great big green house has 50% off right now, and I just remembered that I still need to buy my Otakon ticket online. I still have know idea where I will be stayin.
Also, if you like history and about the colonies and before we became states, check out Newcastle in Delaware, as I went there a few days ago with grandmother and girlfriend and it was informative information about some of the houses and Newcastle at the time. We did never get to go out in the water as my grandfathers truck had blew its head gasket about a mile from the boat launch so that was a no go.

I will fill you in as I am now back at work >_> which reminds me I have something t o work on in front of me now, seya!

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