Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Trees and Moss

Hey everyone!
So I love nature, mostly plants. I just love them, they are peaceful, gorgeous to look at and they move and talk to you in their own way. They grow in their own way, few hours, days or in some cases decades. Especially trees, they can become so old and stand there and watch the world go by. What a tree sees I can only wish that I get a glimpse of. Trees have watched entire colonies rise, races destroyed, standing and watching the world before Christ was born and even before that. They watch the years go by standing in that same spot. It's mystifying.
Anyways, the trees that are in the photos below are probably not more then 50 years old probably as Popular trees grow quick and can get large. Well here are some of the photographs that I took. I was trying out that "bokeh" technique with focusing on the object and blurring out the background.

I believe that this was a Red Oak tree.
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this is the Dogwood, my state tree and flower. It is a great tree, doesn't get big but it blooms great looking flowers with white pedals. 


The great tulip Poplar tree, it is a softer hardwood tree. It also flowers and they look like tulips, that's why it is a tulip tree :)


Holly trees, there are many scattered through out my woods still adding green even in the winter.
I am specifically focusing on this little bug on the tree that is colored just like the bark. 


Holly tree again , I love the little blemishes that it has on the bark. It's like white spots but some are light green. I think it could be a type of fungi. maybe. Anyways it is funny to see all the little scratches all over the bark fro the squirrels that we have shooting up the tree.


We have a few Ceder trees let in the woods. They burn great and the bark peels off and makes great tender. Also the wood itself  has a great scent to it. Although I don't recommend going around cutting these trees down now to smell them or burn it. They might be abundant other places but not around here.


This is a Beech tree. They have a grayish bark color and it doesn't really peel off like the Holly tree. These trees are the ones that are considered "carving trees." So if you see a tree with some one's initials or I love so and so, it is probably a Holly tree or a Beech tree. 

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This one was probably a Lob lolly Pine tree. Thick bark on it and it is sort of in layers. Also on the North side of the tree you can find fine green moss on it. Finding a tree with moss on one side can also help you tell which way is North, just if you are lost. 


More Pine...


I think that this was a Beech tree that I took a picture off. Anyways some fungus growing on the stem.


Lichen, moss and fungi one the same dead tree...


This tree is still alive...


More Ceder...

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Holly tree...


Beech tree on the left with that cold moist north side getting the tree treatment.
Dead Dogwood on the right.

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More fungi...

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this is known as the devils walking stick. If you are walking in the woods and coming up a hill or what not since they like to grow there and you grab onto one of them for support, you will hurt your hands. 


More Tulip Poplar...


Here is a Beech tree back in my woods, with my grandfathers initials...


If you have ever noticed that some beech trees have these scares from old limbs that have fallen away. I always thought that it was the "eye" of the tree gazing on the world.


The Base of the Pine with roots of other trees growing over and moss...


A completely decade tree on the ground with moss taking over...


My mini waterfall that has been there for twenty years at least. Never changed.


Took  with the Rebel T3i 18-55mm IS II lens

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