Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Otakon Pre-reg is open!

So I think I did well last night on my open book/notes test I think I did well. There was only one question we had to answer and it was an essay question and we had to have a few quotes from The Travels of Marco Polo and a few other secondary sources of his travels as well. The question was somewhere like “Do you think Marco really did go to the Khan out in China and what he wanted his book to be? And also the last part is what kind of mark should it be left on in history? Yeah, I could prepare before the class an outline of the essay but I didn’t really get that done on the trip this weekend which I tried to in the car. So much for that, but actually I did read some of the secondary sources when I was riding and highlighted some great stuff and that helped out a lot. I was supposed to finish the Travels of Marco but I didn’t even get through the first part about the Middle East so I used what I could. I made a great point though and should get a great grade. I used like 7 quotes or so and only needed 3. I’m cool like that and my first test was like a 100.
It got me to get out of class early last night and get home at 9pm rather than 10pm. Nice, I ate some left over pizza that was in the fridge. I should have eaten the ribs, they are so good. Tonight, I will tonight.
Oh yeah, lunch went great with my friend, it was nice to catch up. We state there for like 2.5 hours chatting it up and then I watched the new episode of Archer (on FX) before I ran to my Environmental Geology class. It was an overall good day yesterday. I got a Haiku in, did great on my test (I think), got in my survey monkey and answered a few for some of the classmates.
Also another package with a multi-figure box came in. It is one of things that you buy it and open it and see what you get kind of thing at a convention. Except I have the entire collection with the extra that is made with all the other ones. Pretty cool and nicely modeled but I don’t think I will get any more of these since I have two from one piece and I might sell them off as I stated last week. Just lazy to post anything on it quite yet and also I leave this Sunday and don’t want to sell something that I can’t get out there to anyone lol.
Today I go back to the internship after this class. I won’t have a laptop so I am going today to get an idea of what is going to happen this week. Since most the work is on the laptop, I could just shred more paper today, see if I can help anyone with some repairs or moving into offices or what not. It is another guy that they hired so now it is 4 men in the office. Nice. Also this guy apparently applied for the job after he got out of college in the summer for the position but couldn’t come in till way later so they passed him off at first. The reason why he couldn’t come in and start till later is because he was sailing around the world after graduating which is pretty cool. I won’t take off that much time after graduating next year when I go to Japan, just about a month and a half or something. Anyways I hope he will be cool to talk to and add more positive energy to the work place. So because of this, I didn’t know how long I would be at work today so I bought my laptop and camera with me today to school just in case I leave early I might go to Maymont or something and take some pictures before my 5:30 class.
Now that the weather is getting better I hope I get more photos onto the blog and for the Facebook page, (which you should check out!)
Also, another piece of news is that the panel registration and the pre-registration are open at Otakon! Yes the second biggest convention of its kind in North America is coming back to the Baltimore Convention Center at the End of July! The pre-registration is at $65, so get it now and don’t wait for 4 hours in line for the price of $75 probably. The 4 hours is long, trust me did it last year but if you are planning on doing that get there early so you don’t miss out on some things there! Go, I will be there, I probably will submit some Gundam Models to the competition and still might try to paint some art work for the art show! I will try to post it on the blog pre the convention so you know to come to see my artwork! Ha, and bid on it of course. I also contacted Joe the Peacock who is curator of the “Art of Akira” exhibit that he sends and travels with and told him he should bring it to Otakon and he said he will try to get it there. Hope he does. Also, I recommended Otakon to Danny Choo and I hope he comes or Otakon gets him to come. I messaged both so they know. I want this year to be great because I most likely not go next year if I am spending money on the Japan trip.
Well I think I talked long enough but I really could go on. I will also post something later on today or tomorrow about where I will be next week, I figure I mine as well say in case people have great recommendations done there for me to go to.
Also go see Picasso at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. I need to as well!

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