Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Great Day

So I had the day off for some teacher work day thing and enjoyed spending some time around the house. I completed some essay for graduation and got a ticket for my cap and gown and after that I just relaxed. It got up to 93 degrees here and that was warm. My mom and sister are out of town and when neither is around it is so freaking peaceful around the house. My dad and I relaxed and so did the cat...
The new firmware 4.5 for the Zune HD player came out and I just updated mine. Its really nice and now I can save images and/or entire pages on the browser and the have the smart DJ where they put together a collection of music based on the artist you pick. It was on the software but now its for the player. I like it lol. I think I am leaning towards the Nexus One for a phone to get for myself but I really don't want to go to Verizon, idk touchy situation.
So how about that ipad release over the weekend. News is already popping up everywhere about how there Wi-Fi is not working on it. Sucks for you guys.
This piece of technology the "HP Slate" will compete with the ipad and if people are smart and not being Apple Fan boy's they will notice that it has a lot better specs with it. Bigger memory and the fast that it will be able to play 1080p and has two cameras on each side for video conferencing is pretty awesome. Click HP Slate for the link and take a look. Another one is the ICD Gemini which looks like it will run on Android, the google OS for most smart phones these days. It seams a lot of tablet items are starting to roll out but what I am sorta of surprised about is that non of these tablets will come with 3-D. It seams that everything is going 3-D but these tablets coming out and some smart phones that are new.
Well that is all I have to say for now everyone!

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