Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Shinjuku Metropolitan Government Building - Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan

If you are in Tokyo, I recommend going to Shinjuku of course but you have to go up in the Shinjuku Metropolitan Government Building! this one building houses the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and governs all 23 wards, the cities, towns and such that make up Tokyo as a whole!
It was once the tallest building in Tokyo but the completion of Midtown Tower in Roppongi it lost the fight. The tower is located in Shinjuku of course and stands at 799 feet (243 meters) with two towers that emerge from the main building at floor 33 with a total of 48 floors. Now on the first floor of the building you can enter and you can go to either tower to the observation deck at floor 45. It is free and their is a cafe up there as well as gift shops with a bunch of things to sell. At that time it was a lot of Tokyo Skytree merchandise. 
There are many shows and movies that this tower appears in. One of my favorite is Mobile fighter G Gundam, or G Gundam for short, where this building is the last standing building in Tokyo when the Dark/Devil Gundam destroyed the rest. Also in Digimon Tamers, which might have been second generation Digimon a lot takes place at the Tower including the organization and battles. 
Well enjoy the pictures, you need to stop here to get a view of the city! Plus this is one of the towers in the entire city that stands this tall and is FREE to go up to the observation deck since Skytree, Tokyo Tower and other towers in Roppongi you need to pay a bit. You can get there from Shinjuku Station and follow the signs that say Metropolitan Government Building. Or Subway station Tochomae. 

It is quite impressive to see!

more images below...
This is looking south in the great expanse of Tokyo.

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Looking North but down you can see Shinjuku Park which is right behind the building.

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Looking to the east towards the main downtown of Tokyo.


That building standing there is the Mode Gakuen Cocoon Tower which i will do a separate post for you guys later...It looks pretty cool though!

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Over there you can see the green tops of the Shinjuku Gyoen National Gardens, more here


Capsule machines of course, this was the first one that had Legend of Zelda! So I dropped in my 200 Yen and I got the one I wanted, Skyward Sword Link! Lucky me :)


Lots of Tokyo Sky Tree goodies


I thought it was a United States thing with the crushed penny or coin but there was one here!


Out the front door which is the east side this guard was waiting for people to pull up


Interesting building design that arches around the area

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some info from Wikipedia

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