Sunday, May 6, 2012

Flowering Dogwood Tree (Cornus florida)

Hey Everyone!
More plants today and this time it is the Flowering Dogwood Tree and their flowers (Cornus florida).
The tree and the flowers from the tree are the State of Virginia's tree and flower (where I live). All states have there State tree or flower, ours happen to be the same plant!
It is native of Eastern North America!
It is a small deciduous tree that doesn't get very tall, about 33 feet in height. What you would call the pedals (white part below) is actually bracts with flowers in the center (the green part). There can be up to 20 flowers in each one too. These flowers are bisexual. Also, when cultivated and propagated (not natural) these "pedals" can be pink.


These trees are found in the wild they tend to like a forest edge or dry patches. These trees will bloom in early April in the southern states which it did when I took these photos. In fact more like late March this year. It can be late April and early May for the northern states. 


The fruit are drupes and can be reddish and ripen late Summer early Fall where a ton of birds depend on them for food. This helps the tree as it is a great way to disperse its seed. These seeds are edible but warn you, the taste isn't that great.(NOT all dogwoods are great for eating. This specific species is not poisonous but the fruit is not taste at all. Thought I warn you if you are trying to identify if it is the right species.)


This tree doesn't do to hot in open areas with lots of sun. They like the morning sun and some shade in the afternoon. Likes moist soil with some acidic properties. 


This species has been used for inks in the day. Also their wood has been used for golf clubs, tool handles, mallets, boxes and such. 


Interesting fact. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Cherry Trees in D.C. given by Japan. So this year the government gave 3,000 saplings to the Japanese this year to commemorate the event! How pleasant!


You can pretty much buy it at quite a few places now. Can be seen growing in Toronto, Canada and you can buy it in a store in Australia. 


I love these trees are gorgeous and they can grow into interesting shapes. I love the white bracts and they are great on the eyes.


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