Friday, August 13, 2010

Want to know when the first Deathly Hallow's movie will end at?

That right, I have got the information for when the first Deathly Hallow's movie will end at for the up coming Harry Potter movie. The first part will end at the part where Voldemort obtains the Elder Wand, s about chapter 24 or so. This is actually a lot farther into the book then I thought the first movie would go but I guess the last movie will be a ton of battling at the school and wrapping up the series. The last film will be sad for sure for many people. Source is

There will be a live action Bugs bunny in the works. Some f these movies have been pretty good, like Space Jam. Space Jam was really good live action with all these characters. Another film I can think of is Looney Toons: Back in Action which was ok. Anyways, I guess it will have the animation combined with live action characters. link here.

Here is a International Trailer for Resident Evil: Resumption (after life). Yes it is in Portuguese sorry lol

Also Hanover House is putting together Terminator 3000, another Terminator film in the series. Link here.

Tales from Earthsea (Studio Ghibli) is hitting the screens at a select theaters today on United States soil. Cities like New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Honolulu. Was a pretty good movie, but not one of my favorites from the Studio. My girl friend and I watched Castle in the Sky last night since she had not seen it before and she still likes Spirited Away better. I am still working on Whisper Heart and liking the characters. It is different from Castle in the Sky and Spirited Away because it is about a normal ordinary girls life at school, family and friends. Only Yesterday was a good film that was about a normal lady. I still recommend them to anyone. Link here.

Go through this photo slide show and you will see some of the faces of the absolute dumb chicks that have gotten arrested. With their precious mug shot you also get to read the names and why/how they got caught. they need schooling badly. Trust me you will probably laugh at least at one. 18 in all!

It is Friday now, and still no sign of a new chapter of Bleach, Naruto, One Piece or the like.
Update: I realized that it is the Odon Festival in Japan so they wont be releasing them this week lol

We had a rough storm this pat evening, my drive way is torn all up and I have to do a lot of filling in with gravel and raking it out. It rained about 3 inches at my house my dad said and in a short amount of time. It was coming down really hard when I was heading back with my girl friend from dinner, I couldn't see out the window >_>
She also thought she heard something in her house when I was there and she was freaking out about it. She didn't get any sleep after I left, she told me this morning. I only heard one weird noise outside the house but it sounded like it was in someone else's back yard so I didn't think of it much. Night's like last night my house makes a lot of noise as sticks, nuts, leaves and rain are still dropping on the roof and the side of the house from the wind and after effects of the storm. Generally even then my house makes noises when my the central air comes on or off, same with the refrigerator downstairs. Also, if you are looking for a noise to hear, your mind will fabricate a noise because that is what you are looking for. So if you are out side and a little nervous walking alone in the dark, don't think of robbers or weird nosies or like someone is following or watching you. Please don't or you will give yourself a heart attack when a squirrel jumps out of the bush that you though a huge bear was in....
That my advise :) Oh an that goes along with being sick, you think you are seriously sick when your not, it will make you sick. It's true, I have done it lol

going to lunch with the aunt today, don't know where though since I never go out to lunch around here at all. Always stay in the building eating freezer meals. Better I go out, get some good food, although I really liked the look of the pizza that was in the refrigerator this morning. I wish I could eat that now. Maybe Red Robin!

Seya! Also, keep on giving me ideas of places to go in Japan!

Samshio ©

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