Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Maymont March Madness

Hey Everyone!
So Maymont is lovely this year with new blooms from their cherry blossoms and other flowers all across the park! I hope you enjoy the photographs!
The Sakura (Cherry) tree on the other side of the pond in the Japanese Garden

I will have another post on the blossoms of the Sakura trees at Maymont, they are gorgeous

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I am glad to see that the water in the pond and the water fall are full again. The koi are happy swimming all around.


Even the maples are bring in colors of orange and green.

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I spent three days back to back there enjoying the park and the blooms, mostly because my SD cards didn't save any of my photographs the first two days!


Truly lovely to see for the few days that they peak!

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Other trees were blooming and ready to pollinate...

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The Wisteria (Wisteria sinensis) started to grow over the Italian Gardens as well... 

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More flowers and wild flowers...

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I was there at 10am and it was peaceful with few people out.
These lovely artist were out using paints and charcoal to paint the waterfall.


There is usually people up there but no one in the gorgeous view...

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The flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) is in bloom now with lovely white flowers. This is my states, Virginia's, tree and flower.

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wish I wrote the name of this tree down

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I really enjoyed the time, three days last week, that I spent there!

Taken with EOS T3i with 18-55mm IS II Lens


  1. It's really a beautiful photos!

    I'm feel sorry about your SD cards which not operate properly >_<

    1. Yea I need to invest into more cards I think that are reliable for my camera before I do big traveling.
