Thursday, November 4, 2010

New Camera

So the surprise the other day was the fact that I got a new camera! Now I will be taking more pictures when the weather is better and I start to play less of GoldenEye which is addicting so far. I will not be posting for a little bit these next few days as I will be at Nekocon ad with my girl friend. Good weekend!

Hmm I can't think of anything else really to inform you guys about. I took a test yesterday and I am not to sure how well I did and I just completed a multiple choice section of a test on-line and missed one which is awesome. I'm still trying to figure out my school scheduled for next semester but not really sure what I will be able to get. I'm surprised that such a big school as VCU doesn't offer Japanese as a Language but I can take Arabic, Hindi, Zulu and such. What is up with that? I don't know crazy.
I am finishing up the last Harry Potter book for the second time since it's original release. I am really excited to see the first part in theaters but I have to wait till my girl friend is around to go see it which could be as late as December after the semester :(
Oh which reminds me but I happen to lucky get the same spring break as her so maybe I will be able to plan something really awesome with her if my mother isn't planning something for the family.

Sorry about not updating the movies page in a while but I haven't really been roaming the nets the past few days with video games and reading and these test and school and work and planning for the weekend and so on and so forth haha. At least look forward to pictures of Nekocon next week when I get the ready to post.

Well nighty night everyone!

Samshio ©

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