Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Larry King is going to step down this Fall

From Lady Gaga To Chris Brown, Top Larry King Moments
Well, I am sure anyone in America has heard of Larry King Live, am I right? He has been on the air for 25 years, same host and same time slot. Got the World Record for that!

The news this morning(nbc12) stated that we have now our first hurricane this year, Alex. It is down in the Gulf of Mexico and could hit Mexico this evening. There are some many people trying to get on there feet with Isabel down there from a few years back, and it could cause some problems for the oil clean up crew near the Horizon site. I don't think it will affect anyone in the inner states and definitely by me although we could use a lot of rain.

The rumor is back, Verizon will get the iPhone sometime at the begging of 2011. Will it happen? Heck if I know!

This dude made an invention back at school in Cambridge in class. It is pretty sweet other then the fact it is a backpack with a hose coming out of the pads on the wall! Go spidy!

Here is the Paranormal Activity 2 trailer if you would like to take a peek. You can see it the trailer in theaters for the Twilight movie too, but face it. Do not go see that movie please.
I do not know if I have ever mentioned this but there is a LEGO movie under way, but the plot is very secretive. Interesting, live action and some animation. Says that it will be some action adventure and in a LEGO world. Check it out. Also, I was looking around and they are making a movie; Puss in Boots which is all about that character in Shrek!? Yeah going to center around him and stuff. I thought they were done with the Shrek world....

Hmm, not much going on out there, I got work later tonight too. I am actually getting a lot done today at work. I seam to have a full plate for things to get down, which is good!. I feel more fulfilled lol. Tomorrow night my girl friends' family and my family are going to go out to eat together and I am still trying to figure out if we are going to eat pizza or Chinese! Honestly I don't care because I like both and I am sure dad or mom is picking up my share lol Well I have created three different domain titles for this blog to test out the other blog sites and there features. Also like I have stated to spread the word and maybe people like/use the other blog sites more and rather check out those instead of this one. They are all "samshio" except the end of the domain is different;,, and I will be updating them as I go about my days. The blogger account will be getting the updates the first and later on I will be updating the rest. Posterous might get short updates almost like twitter because I can update it via SMS (text message). I will have fun with it indeed lol. I also found that I could get teh domain "" or .net, but of course those are like actually sites, it would be about $15 a year and that isn't to to bad but I am cheap, so I wont. Well, I am going to get back to work and I need my con pass!


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